Sunday, September 20, 2009

Personal Space

DD4 has posted a sign at the foot of her bed: No big brothers, No big sisters, No Sophies. 

Apparently she needs some personal space.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Food Critic

"Don't get me wrong, Mom. It was a great meal. I just don't ever want you to make it again." 

Now how could I possibly get that wrong?

Fine Dining

"I will treasure this meal for the rest of my life," said DS8 while I cooked his frozen chicken nuggets. If only he was so easy to please in every aspect of life.

Sunday, September 6, 2009


"This church is like paradise on earth," said DS8 while balancing his pack of Starbursts and balloon in one hand and bright, green glow-stick and half-eaten M&M cookie in the other.